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Our Founder

Meet our Founder & CEO

Meet Bassam Binni, a seasoned business leader with over 35 years of experience in developing and leading successful businesses of all sizes. With his ULTRA STRATEGY™ program, Bassam helps leaders grow their sales, establish a strong presence, and achieve profitability globally.


Bassam holds a bachelor's degree in International Business & Finance from University of Toledo and several certificates in business negotiations, business process improvement, team development, and global financing.​ Bassam serves as a volunteer board member with Boca Raton Condo Association and is a highly respected member of the community. 


Bassam has unique methods of analyzing businesses, markets, and individuals representing your company. He can help you assess & improve your offer and market positions through developing effective sales & marketing strategies that achieve and sustain strong competitive market position.   â€‹


If your are not satisfied with your growth, feel your business is stagnate, or your company offer is falling behind, Bassam can help you energize and grow your business as he has done for over 35 years.

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